Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Propp's character theory looking at texas chainsaw massacre

When we look at characters in a movie we see repeating characters not in actors but how certain characters are written, there are 7 different character stereotypes  that are very broad but still present. The seven character are: The villan/antagonist- this character is for the hero to struggle against the hero, The donor- this character is to give the hero what he/she needs to be prepared to go against the villan, The helper- This one is to aid the hero, The princess-not always a women but this is the person who the hero ends up marrying, The farther- dies to give the hero motive to go the against villan, The dispachter he sends the hero off to his/her journey And the last character is the hero/victim this is usually the protagonist we follow  though out their journey.

When we look at Texas chainsaw massacre we see a lot of these characters show up, such as the villan is the man in the mask wielding the chainsaw, The victim and our protagonist is a very stereotypical victim of the helpless women someone who the male audience can feel the need to save and the female audience feel connected to. The father is most of the group that die that gives the victim the motivation to either run or fight,The helper. All these are here to give a story that we all understand from the point of character backstory this is to make it so they can send less time telling a story we already know and more time telling the story we went to go see of the man killing people.

Overall we can see that characters though out the ages never really change its only the setting we put them in and how they react to these scenarios. Not only can we look at TCSM but also at other films that are not even in the horro genre, And its not only films that are limited to this tv shows, books and even fairy tales where these theories started tell the story of these characters.

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